Grow and Convert is where we share in depth stories and case studies of growing businesses through marketing, content, and conversion optimization. In the background, we also work with select companies to directly help improve growth. Learn more about any of these services below or if you have questions, send Benji or Devesh an email.
Flagship Services

Conversion Optimization
Work with Growth Rock, a top tier Optimizely certified conversion rate optimization agency run by our co-founder, Devesh Khanal.
Get more sales (ecommerce), signups (SaaS), emails (media), and clicks with AB testing. Increase conversion rate on paid ad landing pages, online stores, and apps. Speed up your test-and-learn cycle with high velocity test development from an experienced team.
This is ideal for companies with 100,000+ unique visitors per month and at least 7-figures of online revenue.

Content Marketing Workshop
Benji and Devesh will teach their full content marketing system to you or your content team on-site, at your office, for a full day, custom building each step of their system for your business.
The 6-part system includes: user research, content strategy, content promotion, analytics and models, conversion, and scaling your content team.
You also get access to a network of past participants and Benji and Devesh directly via a private Slack group.
Bite Sized Packages

Hiring Writers Package
Scale your content operation by hiring outstanding writers with subject matter expertise for your blog.
In our 1-on-1 hiring writers session, we’ll teach you the process to build long term relationships with blog writers. We’ll build the hiring templates for you, walk you through how to find writers, evaluate them, and show you how to get great content from them.
If you’ve been writing content on your own and need other writers to help take the load off of you - this is for you.

User Research Package
Attract more buyers via your blog. Crafting the proper content strategy starts with an in depth understanding of your target audience.
In our user research package, we’ll help you gain the information needed to deeply understand your customers and craft messaging and content that will convince your audience to purchase. We’ll help you segment your customers, come up with questions, and analyze the research of your customer base.
If you want to attract more qualified leads and increase conversions from content, this is for you.

Content Promotion Package
Get more traffic to every blog post. Many companies we talk to struggle with getting people to read their posts.
In our 1-on-1 session, we’ll walk you through our community content promotion process. Before our call, we’ll research where your target audience already hangs out online and show you how to get your articles in front of them.
After this session you’ll have a repeatable process to drive more targeted traffic to every post you publish.

Analytics Package
Finally know the ROI of your content marketing operation. Show founders, executives, and the board quantitative comparisons of content marketing ROI vs. other channels.
In our 1-on-1 session, we’ll build a custom cost of acquisition model, walk through each step, walk through your content to sale funnel, and teach you how to setup Google Analytics to measure all key variables.
After this session you’ll be on your way to understanding the ROI of content marketing.
What Past Clients Have to Say
I had too many ideas... but you helped me get it focused. I now have the complete foundation and framework to build a successful content marketing operation within my niche.

Dave Lawrence, Head of Sales & Marketing,
The main difference before and after the program is that we can directly measure and assess new leads that we started to capture...we even got some from pretty big brands.

Pavel Bashmakov and Andrew Garkavyi Cofounders, Stanfy
Benji and Devesh give you the roadmap to achieve this goal [of stellar content]. I would have happily paid for some of their content before I even paid for the course!

Alex Kehaya Founder,